I was a member of a Facebook group which focuses on bread machines. A while ago, I got kicked out of the group. I couldn't access it or the administrator from any level. Any connection I had with this group totally disappeared. And I was one of the "Top Contributors" to this group!
I managed to contact the admin, and he said I had been kicked out because I made a posting which contained the word "money" (seriously) so Facebook must have thought I was a spammer. What a joke. Anyway, the admin reinstated me and I posted more for a few more weeks.
But then there were more problems. I posted a message about this particular bread machine, that a new model had been released, and once I did this, I was again kicked out of the group and any connection with it disappeared, just like before. No idea what happened, there was no mention of money in this posting.
However, I think possibly Facebook has it in for me because elsewhere in my Facebook feed, I had posted a couple of links to news and opinion articles about what jerks they are. I had left Facebook after my initial fascination with the place several years ago, and took great pains when I went back on recently to not use any of the information connected with my previous account, though I'm sure they can make the connection.
Perhaps there is another issue, though. Recently Facebook is having a fight with the Canadian government, and they are cutting off all reference to news from Canadian newspapers because the government wants them to compensate the places where they "steal" this news from. Maybe I, being Canadian, am tarnished with this brush, though my recent posting responsible for my banishment was hardly a "news" item in the sense of current events.
I managed again to get in touch with the administrator from the group to investigate my second "disappearance," but I am not encouraged to resume my postings in this group even if I will be allowed back.
Facebook seems to be a horribly paranoid place. I have asked people to contact me via my e-mail outside of Facebook (I have only been on the internet since 1991 and had my own WWW site since 1997) but it is unusual they will do this.
Recently I wanted to send someone a PDF file of this school newspaper that she was involved with many years ago with via the Facebook Messenger. She gave me the usual paranoia, i.e., "I don't feel comfortable when clicking on things in Messenger." But she finally DID reply to me -- not to my e-mail but in Messenger -- and botched up her reply in a spectacular way, ending up in some other message in my Facebook feed which revealed everything she wished to tell me confidentially in a very public way!
If this kind of nonsense persists, I think I am going to abandon Facebook again soon. Every second posting there seems like a commercial, much like the Internet itself these days. Why I am hanging out on Facebook -- mostly in groups which reflect my interests, i.e., film and other music, film technology, my home town, and so forth -- doesn't make sense, since I cut off cut cable TV over 20 years ago because I hated the commercials there so much. The last time I got off Facebook I got fed up with their insidous monetizing everything you are connected with as well as their crappy attitudes reinforcing bourgeois morality (no pictures of nudity, even of famous statues, or breastfeeding women, the picture of the little girl who was bombed with napalm in the Vietnam war and so forth).