Friday, March 12, 2021

Cell Ding A Ling

I think it's very funny the way in TV shows and movies that when characters get a call on their cell phone the ringtone is usually the default one for that phone.

Sunday, January 31, 2021

COVID-19 Humor

 I thought I was getting a cold yesterday and, of course, I was anxious about whether I could still smell anything. I reached around in my room for something to check out my sense of smell and it was some deodorant but guess what? It was UNSCENTED!

I saw some ad on the Internet that says if you have erectile dysfunction that's a possible symptom of having COVID-19. So I guess I have COVID-19.

Annoying CKWX Commercials

 Jerry Brar Mortgages - I look up "Gerry Brar" (at least I got the "Brar" right), which produces "Did you mean: jerry brar mortgage"

Ensign Pacific Chrysler - name of the company sounds like "Enzyme Pacific."

BMO - most of some commercial was this crappy pop song, I couldn't understand a single word which was said. I don't think this commercial lasted a long time.

Ziprecruiter, an employer-based employee search company. They say the same things over and over, including " -- slash -- Canada ... that's -- slash -- C-A-N-A-D-A." Huh? Do they think people in Canada are so stupid they can't spell the name of their own country? I think this ad campaign has ended.

[Update from 2023:] Pacific Blue Cross, a medical insurance company, has a commercial saying that kids are covered free when they are included in a family travel plan. This annoying "child" in the commercial wonders if their cat named "Gizmo" would qualify, followed by some chuckles. As someone who, as CKWX's own commercial says, listens to the station "four, five times a day" (if not more), I hear this Blue Cross commercial a lot and I HATE IT.

Many CKWX commercials would benefit by having the name of their companies or websites spelled out, especially if there is no other mention of how you can contact them like with a phone number or whatever.

Someone in the CKWX advertising department recently (2023) thinks it would be a good idea to have a musical jingle at the end of some ads, many of which are unbelievably lame!

Back from the dead (again?)

Time to dust off this old blog so I can post the stuff that I send to friends and just tell them to check the blog periodically so I can avoid sending the same things to the same people.

Should be stiff competition from (one posting), (one posting) and (no postings).

BTW, am I the only guy who types whenever looking up an address here?